Sea Glass… The Bad Kind -or- You’re Welcome, Barefoot Runners and Surfers

We’ve made it through Black Friday (don’t know about you, but I didn’t leave the house), Cyber Monday yesterday (did I even go online? I don’t remember), and now today has the honor of being named “Giving Tuesday.” Okie-dokie, fine by me. The Intertubes are full of clever stories of people sharing ways they have given back to the world at large. I like doing nice things, too, so I’m in. Maybe… a trash hunt on one of my favorite beaches for running- La Jolla Shores.


No glass on the beach, please!


The beaches have seen some higher than usual tides lately, and along with the seaweed, a lot of junk washed up with the waves. Junk including freshly broken glass- ouch! And there were at least fifty barefoot surfers out enjoying the spectacular weather today… I don’t want to think of the potential harm that one big piece pictured above could inflict. Again, ouch!

I had a short run of only couple of miles this morning, but still wound up with a fistful of glass to pitch into the trash. I’ve always told my kids to pick up trash on our walks and hikes, and it felt good to help take care of one of my favorite places to run and play.

Get Yourself A Round Tuit, You’ll Get the Muffins to the Firemen that way.

"This is a Round Tuit. Guard it with your life, Tuits are hard to come by. Now that you have one, you can accomplish all those things you put aside until you got a Round Tuit."
“This is a Round Tuit. Guard it with your life, Tuits are hard to come by. Now that you have one, you can accomplish all those things you put aside until you got a Round Tuit.”
Grandad’s Round Tuit. Not only did he still have it, but he also knew where it was and texted a photo of it to me as soon as I asked. The guy has his stuff together… or we both just got lucky.

When I was a kid, my dad came home with a little wooden coin. He told me that it was a “Round Tuit.” It might have been something his father or grandfather had given him as a joke. I also remember clever story printed on one side. With a little searching, I found several sites showing the same clever coin, pictured left. When asked if he still had his, Dad found his original, pictured right.

I have been meaning (everyone say it with me, now) to get around to bringing muffins to the fire station ever since we had some nasty fires last May. Those fires came too close for comfort. Like, really close- see the photo on the bottom right? They closed The Girl’s school the next day, and many others in the area.

Pardon the profanity, but this is funny, yo.
Pardon the profanity, but this is funny, yo.
View from The Girl's school May 2014
View from The Girl’s school
May 2014

So, today I finally brought some goodies to the local fire station and thanked them profusely for their work. Took me long enough! This is a great example of better late than never.

I finally got a round to it.

Sharing Cookies and Thoughts on Practice and Past Times…

So, there are these people who work for The Husband… they deserve more than cookies. Lol. I’ve seriously been meaning to get treats to them for a long time. This is quite a group of highly intelligent, dedicated, and really interesting people! I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and crammed more than three dozen into a bag for The Husband to bring into a meeting today. Hopefully, everyone will get two cookies… maybe I should’ve sent in more.

I can crank out 12 dozen cookies in under two hours, including pans and kitchen cleaned, honestly, because I’ve made this recipe for 30+ years. I’ve made and sold hundreds of dozens of cinnamon rolls and can knock out a couple dozen with minimum effort. And I love cooking! It is a lot like an athlete’s love of practicing to develop muscle memory in a sport- I bet that anyone with a passion for anything would agree. Years of practice means few wasted steps in my kitchen; I know which equipment and ingredients to grab, measure, and use. Practice makes perfect, no matter what you are practicing… so be careful where you spend your time, right?

Pile o' cinnamon rolls for the teachers and school staff.
Pile o’ cinnamon rolls for school.

Nothing makes a baker happier than finding people with whom to share the goodies. In January I bring cinnamon rolls to the teachers and staff for Teacher Appreciation Day- ironically, I’m sure I feel more appreciated when they say they look forward to the rolls each year (Cinnabon knock-offs, I swear they are exactly like the shops in malls). It makes me happy.

I identity with these stickers...
I identify with these stickers…

I run a couple miles most mornings so I can eat that second taco or have a nightly glass of wine.  0.0 I Don't Run
…links to
I Don’t Run

If people don’t share these cookies and other treats, I’m going to have to earn one of those 13.1 or 26.2 stickers for the back of my own sweet ride. Bake on, people… and keep running, too.

Coffee for Bill

The Husband has a group of friends that buy each other coffee a couple of times each week. At least. It takes all their strength and willpower to stick to only a couple visits per week at this favorite coffee shop. Honestly, we wonder what they put in the coffee as it is ridiculously good.

Zumbar has arrived...
Zumbar has arrived…

Every time I come up the stairs to his office I chat a bit with Bill, the security officer, and think, “This guy needs a coffee!”

Croissants lined up in the case at Zumbar in  the  Sorrento Valley area of San Diego
Croissants lined up in the case at Zumbar in the Sorrento Valley area of San Diego

I brought the Coffee Club their Americanos today, and brought one to Bill, too. I’ve been meaning to do this for a couple of years, at least. Can I take a second to reiterate how glad I am that I picked up this project for the year? I am making myself remember to do little things for, and say thanks to the many people in my community that do so much for everyone and my family.

Thanks, Bill!

SnickerWhat’s-its and Thank Yous

You know how you always get super-busy during the holidays? Do you wish you could spread out the giving and the thanking seasons to show appreciation for the many important people you see nearly every day? The school front office staff, the high school teachers, the postal workers, the folks who work for you or your sweetie… these people are all on my list this year. I’d like to get a thank you note out to these and many more people.

Today I’m going to try to catch up with the security guards at The Girl’s school. Amazing, isn’t it? Schools with security guards and metal detectors. That’s a whole different nut to crack another day, but not this day. We have about 10 guys at the high school working in different shifts, and they honestly ought to put their stories and experiences down on paper. I’d buy that book! Between looking out for our pubescing teens and directing visitors, they are watching over all the goings on of our fabulous high school.

So here’s to you guys- Pete, Bob, Anthony, Leighton, Jason, John, Suka, Ron and Steve! May you know we appreciate all that you do for our children, our families, and our entire school community. ESPECIALLY with the complete NUT JOBS you occasionally come across… make that daily, probably- I’ve been witness to some of the most bizarre behavior, from other adults- you men have handled it with calm authority and tact.
