Solar Eclipse 2017- Shadows and Light in the Park

Spots of light that I see on my floor every day became more interesting this Monday morning.


So did all the usual shadows in the park.


Look at these perfect crescents!



And these!
Great view of a park with all the spots of dappled sunlight becoming pinhole camera viewers.



The Boy had his first day of school, but the students were able to get out to see the eclipse. He snapped a neat photo on his teacher’s camera. The Husband had to watch it all online since he was in meetings. Hands down, The Girl won. She planned her return drive to college via the eclipse’s path of totality- she won’t forget this anytime soon!



And one more:


Published by

DJones BranchingOut

Pushing 50 and it's time to try a few (maybe... 365?) new things. This blog is not about reinventing oneself or one's life, but about how much fun one can have while going out on a limb and branching out. Kicking anxiety's butt one day at a time, yeah!

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